General Function

One must always remember that the natural place for humans is on land, breathing from the atmosphere. When diving, you are a visitor in a strange world - completely dependent on air supply from the gear you carry with you; without it you cannot survive underwater for a time longer than several moments. Your movement is limited and your senses act less efficiently than when in an environment with air. For most humans who haven't got experience with diving, the underwater environment seems a hostile environment. Their instinctive reaction when something unusual happens would be trying to exit this environment as quickly as possible.

Later on, we'll learn that the greatest dangers in diving are losing self-control, panic and ascending to the surface in an uncontrolled manner. In order to avoid such situations, the diver must be well-practiced in different situations that may occur underwater, and gain experience in overcoming obstacles with appropriate guidance and under strict supervision.

Acquiring knowledge and experience in diving with high quality instruction will make your time underwater a safe and fun experience!

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